To understand love energetically it is helpful to contemplate the etymology and understand the meaning of the words emotion, feeling and love. Many people believe that feelings and emotions are two words for the same thing, or are confused about the difference between the two. As energetic beings, it is important for us to have words to describe pure sensation, free of misinterpretation. In English, one such word is 'feeling'. It's origins are from Old English felan - "to touch, perceive," and feel was defined in the early 13th century as "sensation, understanding." On the other hand, the English word 'emotion' has its origins from the Middle French word emouvoir - "to stir up", and from Latin emovēre - "to remove, displace, agitate." The experience in the body of a feeling and an emotion mirror these definitions. When a feeling arises, we have a choice. We may stay with our body with the intention of understanding what message this feeling holds, respond in whole, and thus complete it and move on. Alternatively, we may have a reaction to, or re-interpretation of the feeling, and stir ourselves up into emotion. When we do this we then remove, displace and/or agitate away from the beauty and joy of our connection with self.
Another part of the confusion is how we define love. The experience of what we may call 'romantic love' so common at the beginning of a relationship, where we feel we can not live without the other person, that they 'complete us' or 'make us happy' are all reflections of neediness. True love has no longing. The idea that many hold about what love is could be more accurately termed 'emotional attachment', or 'a comfortable and familiar arrangement.' Love is not 'Cupid-esque' as it may not be aimed or directed at any one person or group over another. Love is a distinct energy that we can feel. It is the energy that we come from. It is what we feel when we choose to be truly connected to who we are. It is boundless and constant. It is coming home. So for this Valentine's day I encourage you to feel and listen with radical honesty to your body, for it is the place where you may re-connect to love. Perhaps you will even begin to fall in love - truly and deeply - with yourself! Then you may may start to express love to you, and everyone else around you. Now that's the kind of Valentine's day I'm talking about!