Today is my birthday. At exactly 11:17am Minneapolis time, I will have been blessed with - so far - 46 trips around the sun, in this body. As I return to this same point in time, to the time of my birth, I feel an amazing sense of celebration. I celebrate myself and the abundance of who I am. Feeling the abundance of myself and celebrating that, I joy-fully and naturally am also celebrating you too, and all of humanity. This incomprehensible beauty I feel in me is who we are - in total equality - no one is more beautiful than another. We are all equally beauty-full. I feel in my very body, to the bone, this amazing love. And it only continues to deepen the more I accept and allow the magnificence of that love to unfold within me. It had been busting to get out for so long, but like so many of us on the planet, I too had hardened, guarded, tensed, and contracted in the false effort to protect myself from harm, only to cage myself and impede my natural expression of this love - a love that I once knew so easily as a child. Now I experience every day again that feeling of not holding back the love I am, and really letting others in. There is nothing better. Nothing at all outside of ourselves - no other person, no food, no drug, no destination, no job, no possession - nothing is better than just us being who we are in full. Discovering what that truly means has been the most amazing experience. As one of my favorite songwriters - Michael Benhayon - writes "nothing before you is more than your light." There simply is nothing better than being the love that we all naturally are. Choosing to be love and discarding, renouncing, and clearing all that is not that has given me an ever-deepening way of Living with such great joy, intimacy with others, tenderness, beauty, stillness, true sexiness and spunk - and a freedom that is far better than my wildest dreams and imaginings. It only keeps getting better. And so today as we mark this point in the cycle around the sun of the time of my birth, I feel to express my deep appreciation for the love that each and everyone of you is, and my deep appreciation for myself and all I have chosen to return to this way of living once again. I share this humbly and yet from an authority that simply comes from how I choose to live. Never in perfection, but with deep commitment and dedication to being of true service to humanity simply by being me.
With much love,
With much love,