Prenatal Bodywork
Pregnancy is a time when women have a more natural abillity to connect deeply with themselves and a great stillness within. When awareness is brought to this stillness, it can be more fully claimed. By 'marking' this in your body, it becomes something you may return to, even once the pregnancy is complete. This supports women immesurably to stay with themselves and their baby during the pregnancy, and later as they move through the time of new motherhood and connection with the new being in their life.
I have extensive experience in working with women during pregnancy, and specialized training in prenatal bodywork and natural health care. I see clients one day a week (Saturdays) at Blooma, a wellness center focusing on pregnancy. If you are pregnant I recommend that you make an appointment to see me at Blooma to take advantage of all the pregnancy tables and props that we have there, and to be a part of the amazing community for pregnant women that Blooma is. |
Deborah has a true gift to make a woman feel whole with her body. I confess to being terribly out of touch with my body and within 2 sessions with Deborah, I saw the light and began appreciating the power of my own body. After becoming pregnant, I saw Deborah again late in my pregnancy at a time when physical limitations were taking hold. The 2 sessions I had at that stage of my pregnancy were some of the best moments for me. I was able to focus on the life inside of me and feel relaxed and ready for both the physical and emotional challenges that lay ahead. |