UniMed Living
This just may be the best health/wellness website there is. Amazing articles about relationships, food, meditation, psychological wellbeing, work and much, much more. The Woman I Am I am co-founder of the organization, The Woman I Am - dedicated to celebrating the beauty of all women. Universal Medicine The official website for Universal Medicine. Glorious Music Glorious Music is a business and record label that offers custom and specifically tailored music for Artists, advertisement, video music, events, gala's, cafe music, waiting room music, telephone hold music, showroom music and lots lots more ... Deborah Savran Music My sister website for my music. My debut album released in 2016. Real Media Real Change Real Media Real Change (RMRC) focuses on bringing awareness to the real world effects of new and traditional media in our everyday lives. |
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Esoteric Yoga Stillness Program for Women. This is, by far, the most amazing yoga program I have ever experienced. Being a student of Esoteric yoga has supported me in my personal evolution incomparably. Check it out. Women in Livingness An amazing blog that explores what ‘living as a woman’ would look like in today’s society if we were to first develop a deeply tender and nurturing relationship with our bodies and our selves. Our Cycles App This wonderful app offers you a modern period and full moon diary designed to support body awareness and self-care. With the choice to be aware of your own menstural cycle or the moon cycle, the app can also be enjoyed by women who are no longer menstruating and men. Esoteric Women's Health Esoteric Women's Health is a collaboration of complementary health practitioners and medical professionals who work cohesively for the benefit of true care and support in the area of women's health. |